SheetBlok™ Sound Isolation Barrier is a dense, limp-mass, vinyl material that is used to stop the transmission of sound in a wall stack-up of materials. It acts as a thin, dense, sound barrier layer in walls, ceilings or floors, and is most effective when used as one component of a multi-layered construction scheme. SheetBlok™ is useful for decoupling (i.e. floating) floors and walls in isolation construction applications.
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*While many Auralex products are fire retardant and/or self extinguishing to varying extents, we cannot guarantee that any product meets the specific building code regulations in your area as regulations widely vary from place to place. Check with you local fire marshal or building inspector for approval prior to purchasing or installing any of our products. Auralex will not be held liable for property damage or injuries caused by misuse of our products.
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