​Podcasts: Improving Your Listeners Experience

​Podcasts: Improving Your Listeners Experience

Posted by Adam Loellke on 8th Apr 2020

With social distancing becoming a growing norm in the COVID19 outbreak, there has never been a better time to launch a podcast.

If you’re willing to look, you can find a podcast on just about anything, so after you have your niche chosen, you set up at your desk, plug in your microphone and get…. the sound of you talking into a tunnel.

Luckily, it’s one of the quickest and simplest acoustical fixes you can find to treat your room for podcast recording.

Your Setup as a Multi-Purpose Space

Oftentimes the room you record your podcast in isn’t solely used for your podcast. Whether it’s your bedroom, a home office, or a living room, taking a modular approach to your space is key in getting dramatic improvements with minimal treatment.

Here are your key players:

  • A microphone shield
  • Absorption panels for your walls and ceiling
  • Portable absorption

Your mic shield takes care of some immediate concerns. Are you recording next to your computer or near a wall? Getting a mic shield puts an immediate absorptive barrier between you and some first reflection points. The improvement is immediately heard!

Next you want to knock out other first reflections and general room noise. Absorption panels that reach into the mid-range of frequencies will be key in this. Immediately in front, above, left, right and behind you are good places to place treatment, and spacing some spread out absorption in between these points will eliminate much of your room noise. We recommend starting treatment 30” off the ground and going up 3’-4’ with the treatment. This will cover microphone height while sitting or standing.

Portable absorption is the real secret to dealing with a multi-purpose room. If you’re not looking to treat an entire living room for the corner you record in, or maybe you just have a window right next to your microphone, portable absorption lets you “shrink” your room or adjust your location as needed. Having a guest over for the next episode? It’s portable, you can move it anywhere to make your room work for you!

For more information and additional resources go to: